'乾淨的毛巾 XL
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Why Upgrade to Our Clean Towels?
🚫 The Hidden Dangers of Regular Towels: Regular towels, especially those used in shared spaces, can quickly become breeding grounds for bacteria. The warm, damp environment provides an ideal setting for bacteria to thrive and multiply, posing a potential risk to your skin health.

Towels used for various purposes, such as drying hands, face, and body, can lead to cross-contamination. The same towel that dries your hands may end up on your face, transferring bacteria and germs. Clean Towels offer a dedicated solution for your skincare needs, minimizing the risk of cross-contamination.

Clean Towels 是第一款一次性使用且 100% 可生物降解的面巾。它們旨在以盡可能乾淨的方式完成每項護膚程序,確保皮膚完全清潔,不會受到普通洗手間毛巾上可能攜帶的細菌和病菌的影響。 Clean Towels 以其耐用、超柔軟的質地而聞名,讓您在護膚時感覺清新、乾淨和自信。可互換且用途廣泛;它們可以以多種不同的方式使用 - 乾濕兩用。除了擦乾臉部,您還可以使用它們卸妝、清潔等等。

所有 Clean Skin Club 清潔毛巾均由粘膠製成。我們的清潔毛巾由粘膠製成,以桉樹為材料來源。粘膠是一種部分人造的纖維素纖維,來源於各種樹木和植物的紙漿。為了製作 Clean Towels,桉樹是從受管理的種植園收穫的,然後分解成碎片,然後進行清洗和清潔。桉樹碎片被溶解(將它們變成粘膠),然後通過噴絲板,噴絲板產生柔軟的纖維素纖維。然後拉伸和壓制這種纖維,將它們變成乾淨的毛巾。成品是一款超柔軟、吸水性強的面巾,抗撕裂 + 防脫落,即使對最敏感的皮膚類型也溫和。