Microbiologist at University of Arizona, Charles Gerba, states “So, just think about it. You wash your hands and you dry it in the towel and then maybe you had some E. coli or salmonella on there and they get into the towel. It's wet. It's moist. They grow. You may start out with a few, but in a few days you've got millions is what we found out. After about two days, if you dry your face on a hand towel, you’re probably getting more E. coli on your face than if you stuck your head in a toilet and flushed it.”
Clean Towels are 100% biodegradable and compostable facial towels are designed for single use in order to limit the transfer of bacteria onto your face. Sourced from eucalyptus or bamboo (depending on which you choose), the Clean Towels are extremely soft and thus a better option for keeping your skin barrier intact.